Monday, March 30, 2009

Foreclosures....Are They Legal?

The "Crisis of Confidence" is a mere symptom of the problem, the problem is a "Crisis of Ignorance."

Watch minutes 19-24 on this video that covers the case of Jerome Daly vs First National Bank of Montgomery in which it is acknowledge by the President of the bank in the judges memorandum that there was no legal consideration put up by the bank against the home to give it the right to foreclose. THIS IS HUGE FOR AMERICAN HOME OWNERS TO KNOW!! The banks foreclosure was rejected on this basis. This also shows a legal judgment against the banks fraudulent system and proves this bank structure is illegal by US Law.... How much more obvious does this have to be???

I would advise watching the entire video, but I am highlighting a critical point that has direct meaning for our times and is on everyone's mind who is trying to support their homesteads and families.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quantitative Easing

Wednesday this week the FED announced it would begin a process called "Quantitative Easing." What exactly does that mean though? It is a fancy term for stealing from ourselves in a nutshell and unfortunately the only thing that can stall the crash we are in. They have promised to buy $300 billion dollars in long term Treasuries and $750 Billion in "Mortgage Backed Securities." What they are talking about in this one action is adding $1 Trillion dollars to the money supply.

The FED is declaring that they will print up money that currently does not exist at all in reality and buy securities to provide liquidity in the system. That's worth some thought isn't it? Don't you wish you could make up your own money and buy things with it? For us that is called counterfeiting and will put you in prison longer than selling a couple kilos of cocaine, for them its called fiscal policy.

The FED will basically buy government and bank IOU's with newly printed money in order to introduce new money into the system in an attempt to stop or reverse the deflationary spiral we are now in as a result of leverage banking. Buy adding this new money to the system they are presenting us a remedy which is in itself a hyper inflationary scenario,it will debase the U.S. Dollar and further diminish real value of dollar based assets held by foreign governments and by U.S. citizens alike. The reason they can openly say this on television and people not catch it is much the way they sold us into the Iraq War, by using a play on words.

Most of us had never heard the term insurgent in our entire lives before Iraq; an insurgent is defined in Merriam Webster's dictionary as: "a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially: a rebel not recognized as a belligerent." Insurgent was a fancy way of hiding the word Iraqi patriot people patriot to their nation trying to keep us from invading them under false pretense, just as we would as citizens revolt against lets say Mexico, Canada, or even Russia and say we are patriotic to our country and don't want to be occupied. Foreign countries would use the same play on words to fool their people that there are militants here that are not following their decree, this is precisely the play on words we have used in the media regarding that circumstance. Now I guarantee most of us had never heard the term "Quantitative Easing" before this. Its a fancy way of saying we are going to steal from you to help you. Its is the same load of rubbish because it means they are going to perpetuate a system that has proven itself to all, to be broken and flawed through and through.

The manipulation I have outlined in previous articles is the reason for the current crash and all others since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. As they diminish the value of the currency by diluting the buying power of the dollar with new money they will with this also strip even more wealth out of the country with the interest attached to this magic money and have this action sanctioned by our own government.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Anatomy of Our Crisis.....

This video is 100% accurate as to the cause of and the actual crisis itself. It accurately predicts our current crisis 15 years ahead of what people said no one could predict.... Its just not many understand the root cause and if we don't' get it we will be doomed to repeat it and trapped in debt forever... Listen to how many US presidents and senators and world bankers make statements to how dangerous our system is. These are the most powerful leaders of the worlds past. President Madison, Jackson, Jefferson.....and many more. This is an enlightening video...its a little dry but the knowledge in it is GOLD!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Truth About Inflation, Markets, and CPI

The popular media keeps us focused on nominal levels in the market, but not relative; this is important for Americans to understand. It helps hide the theft of American wealth that the Federal Reserve is perpetrating on the U.S. For example, take the trillions of dollars in 401k money that is locked into the market. Inflation is able to steal the future value of the retirements of Americans simply by printing more money. That would mean that the FED would have an incentive to put the country in positions that would stimulate this business...i.e the constant booms and bust they seem so helpless to have stop happening due to excesses in both directions with monetary policy.

When the FED raises rates and puts us into a recession where US Government Tax revenue is falling, the only alternative is to borrow more money from the FED to keep the engine running. This is the long term inflation business model the FED is engaged in. The inflation of our money allows them to transfer our buying power and value of real assets back to themselves by giving us money/credit at interest that they create out of thin air. The only way to pay the interest is to borrow more money at more interest this literally strips away 99.9999999% of all wealth generated over time through usury.

Simply put its a "ponzi scheme" designed to steal real wealth and its incredibly effective. Our inflation rate is not the CPI our government gives us to skew the numbers and mask the scope of the scheme, but is actually the M3 number that the FED has hidden from us which is the real rate of inflation.

Simply put the devaluation of your currency is the inflation rate of the Money Supply. Experts estimate this number to be around 15-20%. If you compound this number from the last market highs till now you will realize 80% of the market wealth was already stripped away before the market decline. And that's why all hard assets and commodities tripled against fiat currency valuation.

In my eyes the market is far cheaper than any out there actually realizes. Market values that are denominated in fiat currency must be valued based on the supply of fiat currency in all intertwined economies and benchmark to the value of a hard asset to truly grasp the price of the market.