Sunday, January 11, 2009


Ok now its pretty funny how this one plays in the media. Has anyone yet ask as I have from this blog began. If the FED is cutting rates to save the day right....would anyone like to ask them where the rates are coming from (5.25%), and who was the genius that put them up there with 17 rate hikes and annihilated the housing market by forcing adjustments on LIBOR Mortgage Arms, which where 80% of origination from 2003-2006, up and triggering the default wave on the American people and the world?

**Please note the 95% correlation of FED Rates to LIBOR (a measure of risk in bank to bank lending)***

For what ever reason I have come to accepts that at least 85% of any population remain in a fantasy world for most their lives okay fine but for the remaining percentage that doesn't have their heads up their asses ask yourself this. Who just became GODS of the US financial system by bringing it to its knees. I hope that is blunt enough to get the message across. Please wake up my god what has to happen in all American's faces for you to get that this Private bank is raping the people.

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