Monday, September 14, 2009

US Dollar 2B or not 2B

Markets are sneaky so beware of the stop running 2B pattern that seems to be ridiculously persistent in the Forex market. The mainstream media has written of the US dollar and all but seal its doom in the minds of most investors.

With Pay Option Arm mortgages now posing a new mortgage threat and commercial mortgages running a close second the deflationary story persists.

Gold sits now at $1000 and Oz and gold fever is everywhere again. Lets not forget Silver is 25% away from its correlating high with GOLD. The dollar is still no where near its 2008 lows and many emerging market currencies fail to confirm an outright dollar collapse.

Seasonally speaking this is a critical time of year with many currencies, commodities, and indices are also at critical levels that warrant close surveillance. My bias is still on the side of deflation until the charts or the facts show me something else.

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