Sunday, October 19, 2008

Problem Reaction Solution

How can this model work so effectively on people? I can only say I wish it did not but it just does. Like cattle with a cattle prod poke them in the right place and they will rush toward their certain doom.

Nobody noticed the 17 rate hikes in the housing boom (see chart from January 2008 post) and the fact George Bush out of no where close the Bankruptcy loop hole while the FED was increasing global default risk. Now in 2008 The treasury under the leadership of Henry Paulson former Goldman Sachs CEO has come to rescue with his trusted ally Ben Bernanke to save us.

Lets see now the Glass-Stegall Act has been repealed Henry Paulson or Hank has turned his old company into a bank holding company and plans to buy all bad US debt off of bank balance sheets with our own money they just created and give good bank assets back to his old company.

Doesn't this set off any alarm bells in anyone's head anywhere? If this is the only thing I heard I would be at high alert. Goldman Sachs was the one company that seemingly knew to stay away from the entire Mortgage Backed Security business even when it was booming, now their ex leader is handing over all the assets of all the institutions that were caught due to the rate hikes and changes to LIBOR by his ally Ben Bernanke in the FED, and buying the bad debt from those institutions using our own money...... No body else out there sees this as a little too close to home.... Seriously no one out there caught on to this. Humor me.

We have been backed in to a corner and given only one solution. GIVE THE FED EVEN MORE POWER THAN THEY ALREADY HAD OVER EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO LIVE, The creation of money, INSURANCE (AIG), HOUSING (FANNIE & FREDDIE CONSERVATOR SHIP) and basically your souls. Remember this is a private bank not part of the US government.

Constitutionally the FED should not exist exactly as Senator Ron Paul states that bank is illegal and is conducting extremely illegal activities in broad daylight.

The media is completely complicit in the scam as any amount of research will turn up the fact that the FED should not exist by the US Constitution and only one Law Maker Ron Paul will acknowledge it. The power own you do you all just not mind? Even the money in your pocket isn't truly yours, it is an interest dollar owed to someone else and to pay it back our Central Bank will create more money out of thin air and depreciate your own money without your permission essentially robbing us of buying power.

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