Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Truth Will Set You Free (Part 3)

So who benefits from a contrived global financial collapse? Well let me think for 2 seconds, OK I GOT IT!! EUREKA!

Who's business has been enhanced by this you ask? THE CENTRAL BANKERS!! Wow that was so easy. The Federal Reserve like the other Central Banks aren't part of the governments of their respective countries. The Bank of England is no more a part of England's governing body than Bank of America is part of the US governing body. Its just a deceptive name like the Federal Reserve or Federal Express....neither of these are Federal.

The FED lends AIG $85 Billion to bail them out but take an 80% stake in the company and gives them a loan at %12 does that sound like help or a hostile take over. The FED creates money out of thin air as a direct tax on the people we call inflation or the devaluation of the money in your pocket.

12% is a hard money interest rate not a bail out interest rate period.

The FED lends $437.5 Billion dollars a day to US banks at the discount window. Or $2 Trillion in a week. Listen to these numbers again. For a private for profit bank such as the FEDERAL RESERVE this must be a dream come true. Their business has skyrocketed. The housing mortgage market is approximately $10 Trillion. The FED was able to lend 1/5 of this in a week to our banks at interest/profit.

Now add this to all Central Banks of all G8 nations simultaneously capturing all banks in a nationalist take over inside a weak and you have an ominous picture.

The fiat money system they have trapped us in gives them total control of all nations and all its people. They can arbitrarily create booms and bust by the artificial manipulation of interest rates which is completely contra to any free market operation. It is a contrived market in which you are allowed to play but its not your market its theirs.

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