Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Truth Will Set You Free (Part 2)

Who does the financial crisis benefit?

If you asked this question about the IRAQI war you would have realized what was going on long long ago. Dick Cheney gave $100 Billion dollar contract non compete to his former company Halliburton and even now the Oil Minister of Iraq has been in talks to reintroduce Exxon, Shell, BP, Total and Chevron after some 36 after being forced out by Saddam's nationalization of the industry. IN A NUTSHELL THE WAR USED OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS FOR A VERY LUCRATIVE OIL DEAL WORTH TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OVER THE LONG HAUL to invade and steal another countries natural resources. Very simple it wasn't because they hate your freedoms we felt the need to murder 1 million civilians to help them out, that ridiculous and just plain stupid if you even considered that a possible rationale.

Corporate America controls Congress and the president so then its easy to assume a business motivation behind anything this large scale that requires the spending of $10 billion dollars a month. That's a large market to not have a financial motivation to be a part of. War makes money just not always for us.

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